Skin Rejuvenation

Frequently Asked Questions

What Setting Do You Recommend I Should Start On?

Setting 1, this will allow you to see how your skin responds to Laser Skin Rejuvenation.
Then increase as you feel comfortable.

Do I Need Eye Protection?

Yes but don’t worry we’ve got you covered. Every box includes a stylish pair of protective glasses.

How Often Can I Use The Device?

Once a week for 12 weeks. Then as you feel you need too.

Can I Use This For Just Skin Rejuvenation?


Preparing The Skin Rules:

  • Skin needs to be clean & dry
  • No moisturiser, no fake tan, no deodorant, no perfume, no body oils

Post Treatment Rules:

  • No hot showers/baths for the next 3 days
  • No make up for 12 hours
  • No facials for 7 days
  • Do not wax, use hair removal cream for 7 days
  • Use non-scented moisturiser or non- scented sunscreen
  • Do not go into direct sunlight for extended periods.
  • Do not lay in the sun or use sun-beds.
  • Do not shave within 48 hours
  • If you are going outside you please apply sunscreen.

Should I Go Into The Sun After Using The Device?

No. Stay out of the sunlight for lengthy periods.

Why Do You Recommend Using The Device In The Winter Months?

Generally speaking the skin is less likely to be tanned. During the winter you tend to lose your tan, however the the pigmentation / sun spots don’t fade.

This allows the device to identify the problem issues. Using the device during this period reduces the possibility of sun exposure.

Will The Sun Spots Pigmentation Come Back?

Pigmentation and sun spots will return when you go out into the sun.

Why Do You Recommend Using The Device At Night?

Allows for down time post treatment if your skin is red, there is no sunlight at night, and you are less likely to wear make up.

If You Have Been Diagnosed With The Any Of The Following 4 Types Of Rosacea Are You Able To Use The Device?

Before using light therapy to treat any Rosacea we strongly recommend you seek advice from your Dr or Dermatologist.

You Cannot Use Laser / IPL If You Suffer From The Following:

  • You are pregnant or breast feeding
  • You have any active implants
  • You are under the age of 16
  • You are taking the following medications:
    Your skin is currently being treated or has recently been treated in the past 30 days:
    Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta-Hydroxy Acids (BHAs), Topical Isotretinoin , Azelaic Acid.
    Immunosuppressive medications (Roaccutane) in the past 90 days.
  • Surgery in the past 90 days to the area to be treated.
  • Radiation / Chemotherapy with in the past 12 months.

If you have been diagnosed with the following:

  • Diabetes / Metabolic diseases / Epilepsy / Vitiligo
  • Congestive heart disease, immunosuppressive disease or suffer from vascular, bleeding disorders.
  • Skin cancer, or a history of skin cancer or any other localised cancer in the areas to be treated.

Your skin suffers from or have been exposed to:

  • Skin Infections, eczema, burns, inflammation of the hair follicles, lacerations, abrasions, herpes simplex, lesions or hematomas in the areas to be treated.
  • Sunburnt, recently tanned or fake tanned skin, tattoos, permanent make up or warts, dark veins, scars & skin anomalies

Usage Directions (Female /Male)


Suitable for the entire body except around the eyes


Suitable for the entire body except the face and male intimate area

*external use only